My name's Rebekah & I’m a Christian author.
I love to write. It’s just a part of me. I have been writing since I was about 5 and have been published in various magazines & online writing websites - it's not much, but I’m still young and I’m aiming high for the future. My dream is to have my book published & perhaps turned into a movie. I love drama & books so it would be pretty cool to have that experience.
Regarding what I’m currently working on, I’m kept pretty busy with a writing website I created for writers aged 10 - 18 at It’s lots of fun, but as I’m currently the only staff member, I have almost no time on my hands. I’d love you to visit my site if you're interested.
I’m also writing my first young adult novel, called Freedom’s Way, which you can check out on the writing page of my website. I also love reading. You can check out my book recommendations of the month on the sidebar. I’d love to hear from you so please feel free to contact me, I don't bite :D
Thanks for visiting me!
- Rebekah